Friday, January 18, 2013

Job Change Announcement to the Wheatland Community

January 15, 2013

Dear Wheatland Community:

At this time, it is with mixed emotions, that I must inform you that I am resigning my position as superintendent of the Wheatland J1 School District effective June 30th 2013. I have accepted an offer to serve as superintendent of the Elkhorn School District starting July 1st 2013.

I want to thank students, parents, community members, staff and the school board, for all of the support and friendship you have provided my family and me. From the moment, we moved to Wheatland we felt welcomed and appreciated. During the past three years, the friendships that have been made and the work that has been accomplished has made my time in Wheatland a highlight in my life that I will not forget. This work has been the result of all stakeholders coming together for a unified purpose. I know that this will continue and Wheatland will continue to be a leader at the state and national level in K-8 education and the development of our countries future innovators.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure as an employee of Wheatland School District, and I look forward to continuing our efforts during the next few months. The school board will assure that the transition to the next school leader is smooth and seamless and I have offered to assist in anyway. I have also agreed to serve as a consultant/adviser to the district in the future if needed. I leave Wheatland with nothing but positive feelings and experiences and I look forward to maintaining my relationship with the district in a different capacity.


Jason Tadlock

Our Visit With Sandy Jacoby and Education Matters

I love talk radio and always had a secret fantasy of someday being a talk radio host. So I found the experience quite enjoyable and an honor to be asked to join Mrs. Jacoby to discuss the great work going on at Wheatland.

Below is copy of a press release regarding our recent discussion with Sandy Jacoby, host of Education Matters WGTD 91.1 FM.

Press Release:
Wheatland School District Superintendent, Jason Tadlock, and Principal, Patti Clements recently sat down with Sandy Jacoby, one of the hosts of Education Matters, a Saturday morning talk show on WGTD 91.1 FM dedicated to topics related to education in Wisconsin. Ms. Jacoby had approached the Wheatland administrators and asked them to share the story of Wheatland’s recent transformation into one of the leading K-8 STEM education schools in the state, a leader in technology integration, and their focused approach on maximizing growth for every student and providing unique cutting edge educational opportunities for ALL students. Mrs. Clements stated, “I really enjoyed having the opportunity to share the stories of Wheatland and the great work the staff has done over the past few years. I am so proud of all the work our teachers have done and for the excellent support we get from our community.” Mr. Tadlock added, “I wish we had more time. So many people have done so many wonderful things to better the district. It was impossible to get it all in and I don’t want anyone to feel slighted.” Mr. Tadlock continued to say, “We failed to share that by investing in the right areas, the students and the staff, we can provide a high quality education to our students, which has had the positive return of putting the district’s finances back in order.” The program will air Saturday morning January, 19th at 10:30 AM on 91.1 FM WGTD. If you miss the aired program, the program will be archived on WGTD’s Education Matters web page