Friday, December 7, 2012

10 Attend SLATE Conference 2012

Wheatland recently sent a team of 10 staff members to Wisconsin's School Leaders Advancing Technology in Education (SLATE). The conference was exceptional, with 1000 of Wisconsin's educator's sharing innovative practices and resources with each other. Our team of teachers have returned to school with many new ideas and great resources to share with all the staff. 

I wanted to take a moment and recognize Rachel and Thomas Hartley for their efforts as presenters. The title of their presentation was Extreme Lesson Makeover: Be sure to visit their presentation website as it is full of great resources. By all accounts they did a fabulous job! It is always a little nerve-racking to present in front of over 100 teachers with standing room only. Great Job Rachel and Tom, way to represent Wheatland!

This was my second time attending SLATE and I have to say this experience was very different from the first. This time it was very refreshing to see and hear that as a school we are WAY ahead of the curve and our teachers are now at the forefront and cutting edge of technology integration. I want to let all the staff know that I am very proud of all the work you have done to make Wheatland a shinning star in regards to technology integration and 21st century preparation. I suspect that next year we'll have a similar number of presenters at slate as we did at the Wisconsin Association of Middle Level Educator's conference (6). The work you are doing is truly leading the way!

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