Monday, December 5, 2011

STEM Integration

This past Wednesday I had the opportunity to attend a state level committee meeting regarding Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) initiatives in the state and how can we improve/expand them. I was excited that they would look to us in Wheatland to provide a representative on the committee. I think it speaks well for the direction that we are headed and it indicates that we are being recognized as a school that is an emerging leader in STEM integration in the classroom.

The Gate Way to Technology curriculum and the Engineering is Elementary curriculum that we plan to introduce during the 2011-2012 school year, will bring our students cutting edge curriculum and STEM opportunities. By providing hands on multi-disciplinary approaches in their everyday science instruction, we will see academic achievement increases across all disciplines. Below is a video clip of Ionnis Miaoulis, President and Director of the Boston Museum of Science. In this short presentation he introduces the reason why STEM curriculum for the entire K-12 experience is necessary.
What stuck out to me after watching the video was the fact that 98% of our daily interactions with the world involve items that are man-made, yet in school we spend very little time studying man-made innovations and the science behind what makes them work. I agree with his assessment, and I firlmy believe that this needs to change. We must help our kids develop a greater understanding of innovation and creativity. This will benefit all of our students in all subject areas, as they will learn to apply what they are being taught in other disciplines to solve real life problems.This added relevance to what they are learning in class is a very powerful motivator and reinforce. Please take a moment to watch the video clip.

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